Why does the Wellington Christian Science Church look like an albino walrus with cataracts and gingivitis?
Apparently it’s “an Ian Athfield”. I know you’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but what the fuck was he thinking?
Internet-based snark since 2007.
Apparently it’s “an Ian Athfield”. I know you’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but what the fuck was he thinking?
So, when last I posted, I was being detained at Barajas Airport in Madrid by Spanish Immigration and was about to try to get some sleep…
Whilst travelling in foreign countries, any number of calamities might befall the unwary wanderer – third-degree sunburn, a virulent case of “Delhi belly”, pickpockets – but surely the most calamitous of all must be to lose your passport. Yes folks, when I cock up, I cock up muy, muy grande.