How not to talk to me about racism

Facebook. It giveth with one hand, it taketh with the other. On the one hand I can easily glom* onto already organised toddler gatherings with the greatest of ease and share pics of my kid with his whanau, on the other hand I get an insight into the mindset and politics of people whom I…

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Do you know where your toddler is?

Since returning to full-time employment after having a child I’ve faced a number of obstacles. Most of them are The Master’s toys which are strewn from one end of the house to the other. But certainly the removal of daytime naps from my life has been a sad loss.

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Literacy skills fail

Remember when I got engaged a little while ago? The good news is my engagement ring is now fully insured. The bad news is if something happens the insurance company may pay out in carrots.

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When dreams die

As I keep mentioning, I am turning 40 later this year. I partly keep mentioning it so that I will be ridiculously chilled out about it when it happens, but also in the vain hope that people will respond with “Forty? No WAY. You don’t look a day over thirty-mumble”. Thankfully, several folk have been…

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