The Nerd Degree: Christmas. Special.

Okay, so in case you hadn’t noticed it’s Christmas. I reckon, if you’re anything like me you’re probably a bit over the whole concept already in which case you should definitely consider this Christmas-themed episode of The Nerd Degree a soothingly humorous balm to your overactive, agitated pre-Christmas stressors. Get that last-minute wrapping done to…

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The Nerd Degree: Star Wars Special III

Very, very early this morning I watched Episode VIII: The Last Jedi at the cinema and hours before that I recorded the semi-traditional Star Wars episode of nerd comedy podcast panel show, The Nerd Degree. There are a number of diehard Star Wars fans in the Nerd Degree roster and these episodes are always a…

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The Blurred Degree: Two episode double-banger

Comedy nerdfest, panel-show podcast, The Nerd Degree, recently turned three. Every parent will tell you that three is a difficult age. Bad choices are common as are crazed dance moves, terrible pronunciation, and bright colours are par for the course. Fitting then that the 3rd birthday of The Nerd Degree, (aka A Very Special Drunken…

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The Nerd Degree: Friends

I had a kind of grunty cold at the time we were recording this and made goddamn heroic efforts not to cough into the mic during this episode and where’s my medal? But heroic efforts aside, yes, my Friends fan-fiction basically grew out of a desire for someone to clean my house… for free. What…

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The Nerd Degree: Cake

Cake. It’s safe to say, I’m a fan. And when it comes to the Australian Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cakes book, I take that shit seriously. So when I say if I were a cake I’d be the swimming pool cake, even though it’s clearly for comedy purposes… I’m also deadly serious. Any cake that…

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The Nerd Degree: Lies

If ever there was an episode during which you had carte blanche to make stuff up, this would be it. In the introduction we had to state a lie that we had told and even though I shouldn’t be, I am somewhat proud of the outrageous lie that I told my 3 year old. BAD…

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