Let’s have fun and talk about White Supremacy!

One of my Twitter threads that should really have been a proper piece of writing (maybe). I don’t know who needs to hear it (yes, I do) but White Supremacy is the general idea that things are just naturally better if white people are in charge. That’s it. You don’t have to be a signed…

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Being brown in Christchurch

Recently Christchurch has been in the news again for being racist. Oh, ho, ho! What will those cricket-fetishist, First Four Ships-worshipping WASPs be up to next? But “Christchurch is New Zealand’s capital of racism” as an established storyline that everyone understands doesn’t sit well with me. Just to fill you in, local asian-fusion restaurant Bamboozle…

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How not to talk to me about racism

Facebook. It giveth with one hand, it taketh with the other. On the one hand I can easily glom* onto already organised toddler gatherings with the greatest of ease and share pics of my kid with his whanau, on the other hand I get an insight into the mindset and politics of people whom I…

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