No need for amber beads

When you have a kid with someone you very quickly come to learn a lot about their values. If you’ve chosen wisely you and your partner should have more or less matching attitudes on the important aspects of child-rearing.

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When dreams die

As I keep mentioning, I am turning 40 later this year. I partly keep mentioning it so that I will be ridiculously chilled out about it when it happens, but also in the vain hope that people will respond with “Forty? No WAY. You don’t look a day over thirty-mumble”. Thankfully, several folk have been…

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6 things that shocked me about having a baby

When you’re pregnant people offer you all sorts of advice. Sometimes the advice is welcome and offered in a take-from-this-what-you-will, sharing of wisdom way. Sometimes it’s just kind of thrust at you and is more rude than it is helpful. Or sometimes it’s just gross. Someone I know went into far too much detail about…

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The spurious science of baby

Babies are amazing scientists. As creatures who know very little about anything, every day as a baby is a day for trying out new things and exploring the world. And as a new parent you spend just as much time trying to figure out how the baby works. What makes it sleep? What makes it…

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Things I learned from being on fire

Yesterday I set myself on fire. And I don’t mean that figuratively in a “I got wildly excited about something*”. I literally set myself on fire. This happened in the course of me making soup. I was heating the beginnings of said soup on the stove and noticed a bit of smoke, presumably from something…

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