Know your kitsch: Three flying ducks

Is there anything you can hang on a living room wall that screams mid-century, middle class suburbia more than a trio of ceramic ducks? I’d argue no. But how did this come to be? Where did these mysterious waterfowl originate and why do they still hold such appeal? Kitsch History It all begins in the…

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Things my kid has weed on

They warn you before you have a kid, or at least they try to, about the degree to which their bodily wastes will take over your life. The quality and frequency. The successful containment. And in some very unfortunate cases velocity, yes velocity, comes into play.

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The year of loop-free living

Hello there, and welcome to another year of Blog Idle. What 2015 holds for me and this blog is yet to be revealed but I think it likely that there will be a healthy amount of smut, several minor catastrophes, some mild staining, and more eyerolling than is strictly necessary.

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A word on unlikely heroes

If, as a film reviewer, you refer to a character as an “unlikely hero” and that character is both a dude and white I’m going to have to assume that either a) you don’t watch very many movies or b) you don’t understand what the word “unlikely” means.

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Posts from library-land

Back when I was working as a librarian at Christchurch City Libraries I wrote a lot of stuff on the library blog – themed lists, reviews of books I’d read, television shows I’d seen and all sorts of literature and book-related things.

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Choppers and Proposals

How crazy has the last week been for me? Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Turned 40. Had a facial. Flew in a helicopter. Watched some frolicking dolphins. Threw a Princess Bride Party. Oh, and I’m now engaged to a Rodent Of Unusual Size. So yeah, been pretty busy….

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