The unbroken line

There are some milestones which, as a parent, give you pause. You stop, for a moment, in the day-to-day task of keeping your family afloat – steering the waka through storms, plugging any leaks, navigating as best you can – to turn and gaze at the great distance you’ve covered. You look to the horizon…

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Being brown in Christchurch

Recently Christchurch has been in the news again for being racist. Oh, ho, ho! What will those cricket-fetishist, First Four Ships-worshipping WASPs be up to next? But “Christchurch is New Zealand’s capital of racism” as an established storyline that everyone understands doesn’t sit well with me. Just to fill you in, local asian-fusion restaurant Bamboozle…

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Things to see and do: Rarotonga

Despite my longish history of blogging I have never really done much in the way of travel writing unless you count that time I told everyone in mind-numbing detail about how I lost my passport in between countries, or the slightly less dramatic tale of my Singapore sunburn.

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How not to talk to me about racism

Facebook. It giveth with one hand, it taketh with the other. On the one hand I can easily glom* onto already organised toddler gatherings with the greatest of ease and share pics of my kid with his whanau, on the other hand I get an insight into the mindset and politics of people whom I…

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Mappelgangers: Christchurch and Pawnee

I’ve written before about the thoroughly delightful fact that the street maps for Pawnee used in Parks and Recreation were based off a map of my very own hometown Christchurch. So I was pretty thrilled to be able to dig up some facts about how that came to be for an article on The Spinoff.

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Christchurch: Urban farmland

Urban farmland? Bit of an oxymoron there, don’t you think, Moata? Mayhaps, pedantic reader. Mayhaps. Then again, I’m not quite sure what else to call my hometown given the odd spate of random livestock appearances we’ve been having.

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Preacher recap: Episode 10, Season 1

Well this is it, pardners, the season 1 finale. Whether we see God is debatable but it seems highly likely that chaos and havoc will ensue. I honestly have no idea how this will play out but am assuming it will be as entertaining as all get-out. It’s a slightly longer than usual episode of…

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