Body spray and walk away

One of the great things about living in the burbs is that you get a little patch to call your own. A small oasis of privacy and calm away from the glare of your fellow citizens. A bit of unkempt backyard and a deck in need of staining to call one’s own, if you will.

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Literacy skills fail

Remember when I got engaged a little while ago? The good news is my engagement ring is now fully insured. The bad news is if something happens the insurance company may pay out in carrots.

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Concerted Efforts

Once upon a time, long, long ago going to a concert was simple. You bought your ticket, rocked up to one of the many centrally-located venues in town, drank beer out of plastic cups, got your toes mashed in the mosh pit, and (eventually) went home

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Eleanor Catton is not a traitor

What does it mean to be a proud New Zealander? Does everyone actually understand democracy? Do only some people get to have opinions on politics? These questions and many others came swooping into my mind yesterday after listening to Sean Plunket’s frankly bewildering Radio Live rant about Eleanor Catton. Follow up questions included “who stole…

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Where for art thou, Easterly?

It is too hot for me to be writing this. It is too hot to be doing anything other than sitting under a garden sprinkler eating an iceblock. This is not a problem you often have in Christchurch where many a BBQ or picnic has been rendered chilly by an easterly wind.

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The year of loop-free living

Hello there, and welcome to another year of Blog Idle. What 2015 holds for me and this blog is yet to be revealed but I think it likely that there will be a healthy amount of smut, several minor catastrophes, some mild staining, and more eyerolling than is strictly necessary.

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A word on unlikely heroes

If, as a film reviewer, you refer to a character as an “unlikely hero” and that character is both a dude and white I’m going to have to assume that either a) you don’t watch very many movies or b) you don’t understand what the word “unlikely” means.

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When dreams die

As I keep mentioning, I am turning 40 later this year. I partly keep mentioning it so that I will be ridiculously chilled out about it when it happens, but also in the vain hope that people will respond with “Forty? No WAY. You don’t look a day over thirty-mumble”. Thankfully, several folk have been…

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