
We all have our quirks and preferences. Luckily mine are mostly harmless. But having figured out what my preferences are, I do like to indulge in them if I can. I want my cider without ice. I want my peanut butter crunchy. Nobody will be maimed if I don’t get these things but I will…

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All toddlers are psychopaths

Hi. It’s been a little while since I last wrote. There are a few reasons for that, which if you’re interested, you can read about on my website. But for today I’d like to talk about toddlers, specifically the way in which they are like Joe Pesci (it’s not just that they’re short with high-pitched…

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Why the blog hiatus?

I haven’t blogged in a long time. About a month. There are a few reasons for this. I started working full-time again and have found it pretty tiring. Even before that there was stuff that went down that was pretty full on and not fun. You don’t need the details but things got pretty awful…

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Do you know where your toddler is?

Since returning to full-time employment after having a child I’ve faced a number of obstacles. Most of them are The Master’s toys which are strewn from one end of the house to the other. But certainly the removal of daytime naps from my life has been a sad loss.

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Why you should get your flu jab

This week I got a flu jab. I haven’t always taken up the opportunity to get vaccinated against the flu in the past. This and conversations I’ve had with various people over the years leads me to believe a lot of people don’t get vaccinated who really should.

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