The Nerd Degree: Friends

I had a kind of grunty cold at the time we were recording this and made goddamn heroic efforts not to cough into the mic during this episode and where’s my medal? But heroic efforts aside, yes, my Friends fan-fiction basically grew out of a desire for someone to clean my house… for free. What…

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Things to see and do: Rarotonga

Despite my longish history of blogging I have never really done much in the way of travel writing unless you count that time I told everyone in mind-numbing detail about how I lost my passport in between countries, or the slightly less dramatic tale of my Singapore sunburn.

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The Nerd Degree: Cake

Cake. It’s safe to say, I’m a fan. And when it comes to the Australian Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cakes book, I take that shit seriously. So when I say if I were a cake I’d be the swimming pool cake, even though it’s clearly for comedy purposes… I’m also deadly serious. Any cake that…

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The Nerd Degree: Lies

If ever there was an episode during which you had carte blanche to make stuff up, this would be it. In the introduction we had to state a lie that we had told and even though I shouldn’t be, I am somewhat proud of the outrageous lie that I told my 3 year old. BAD…

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Art Wars

Years ago, (2012 if we’re being exact) before I had a child, I had a bunch of free time on my hands and spent some of it scrolling through the online collection of Christchurch Art Gallery.

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The Nerd Degree: Fairy tales

Fun fact. I was not supposed to be in this Nerd Degree episode about fairy tales. I was supposed to be sitting in the audience, sipping my beer having a nice relaxing time but then they needed a score-keeper and no one else was available so I did it.

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The Nerd Degree: Brains ajar

This episode was about brains but that does not in any way make it cerebral. I somehow have managed to yet again mention what used to euphemistically be known as “marital aids”. How does this keep happening to me? I’m starting to think it’s not a coincidence.

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The Nerd Degree: Heart of Dorkness

Just in time for Valentines Day, it’s the love-themed episode of everyone’s favourite “pop culture quiz show that’s recorded at Orange Studios”, The Nerd Degree. This episode is notable for me reading a poem I wrote about my first celebrity crush, Kirk Cameron.

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The Nerd Degree: Star Wars Special II

Yet again I pretended to know more about a topic than I do and got to mix it with the nerds on another panel-quiz-podcast sesh of the Nerd Degree. Full disclosure – I may have bribed my way onto the show with the promise of cookies. Yes, actual cookies. See?

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