Project TARDIS: Armageddon Cosplay

I’ve just been at Armageddon Expo*, the annual pop culture convention. I go most years. It’s a bit of a mixed bag of which I’m only really interested in 30% but there were a couple of years after the earthquakes when I couldn’t go so I try to make the effort now

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Unhinged ginger binge

Over the summer I went slightly mad for boozy ginger beers. Not “dancing on tabletops” mad, I have a toddler to take care of and trust me when I say hangovers and demanding babies are not a good combination. Basically, I just wanted to try as many of the different ginger beers available.

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Literacy skills fail

Remember when I got engaged a little while ago? The good news is my engagement ring is now fully insured. The bad news is if something happens the insurance company may pay out in carrots.

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Concerted Efforts

Once upon a time, long, long ago going to a concert was simple. You bought your ticket, rocked up to one of the many centrally-located venues in town, drank beer out of plastic cups, got your toes mashed in the mosh pit, and (eventually) went home

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Nerds, assemble!

Late last year, via Twitter I heard of an unusual event taking place and as soon as I heard about it, even as tired and sleep-deprived as I was, I knew I was going to have to organise a babysitter

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