Climate change and Matariki

Wherein I capture a Twitter thread because apparently that’s how I do writing these days. Why I believe we might not be doomed in terms of our lack of action on climate change. It has to do with how popular movements gather momentum. And we can see something like this with Matariki. When I was…

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Let’s have fun and talk about White Supremacy!

One of my Twitter threads that should really have been a proper piece of writing (maybe). I don’t know who needs to hear it (yes, I do) but White Supremacy is the general idea that things are just naturally better if white people are in charge. That’s it. You don’t have to be a signed…

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There are places I remember

There are places I’ll remember All my life though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I’ve loved them all There’s plenty about the…

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Four Februaries: 2011-2012-2016-2021

Well, here we are. Ten years on and I’m revisiting this old image again, of me standing outside my work building on 22 February 2011. I honestly didn’t think it had been five years since I last did this but apparently it has been. You may remember my triptych of photos then… Well, here’s the…

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Outfits of the year: 2018

Outfit of the day (#OOTD) is something I’ve been doing for a while. It’s been a really fun way of getting creative with what I wear. For a full rundown on the why and how of how I do OOTD then check out my post from last year in which I break down (with graphs)…

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The unbroken line

There are some milestones which, as a parent, give you pause. You stop, for a moment, in the day-to-day task of keeping your family afloat – steering the waka through storms, plugging any leaks, navigating as best you can – to turn and gaze at the great distance you’ve covered. You look to the horizon…

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Being brown in Christchurch

Recently Christchurch has been in the news again for being racist. Oh, ho, ho! What will those cricket-fetishist, First Four Ships-worshipping WASPs be up to next? But “Christchurch is New Zealand’s capital of racism” as an established storyline that everyone understands doesn’t sit well with me. Just to fill you in, local asian-fusion restaurant Bamboozle…

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A year of outfits

#ootd 2017: Origin story In early January last year I began a little experiment. I would take daily photos of my work outfits and share them on Twitter using the hashtag #ootd (outfit of the day). Why? I was partly inspired by my workmate @kebabette‘s #gamcam tweets which document her rather glorious collection of hosiery…

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