Three Februaries: 2011-2012-2016

Me in the same spot in 3 different years

A picture of me in the same place at three different moments in time.

Feb 2011: After the 6.3 magnitude earthquake on 22 February 2011, immediately after we had left the building, my friend and workmate took a photo of me with her phone. The expression on my face probably says everything. I’m looking towards the Briscoes store next door, the carpark and driveway of which is suddenly under water. Things are just chaotic and I don’t have any clue what will become of any of us.

Feb 2012: A year later and our place of work had been knocked down. I was still living quite close by so I thought it would be interesting to take a photo in the same spot to show the how different things looked and even went to the trouble of digging out the same clothes. I think I was imagining I might do one of these photos every year to show how that place was changing.

Feb 2016: I didn’t take a photo every year for the obvious reason that that corner just didn’t change. Four years after my old workplace was demolished there’s still a bare patch of gravel, though admittedly the weeds have come along nicely! It’s actually used as additional parking for the Briscoes next door which did in fact reopen a few years ago. I guess it’s nice that they fixed the footpath.

Will I take any more of these photos? I guess, once they build something on that corner, that would be the time to do it.

But maybe these photos aren’t just about how the place has changed but how I have. I’m the subject of the picture, after all, not the background. I definitely feel older and more tired, and have more grey hairs. Since the first picture was taken I’ve moved house three times, place of work five times, bought a house, had a baby, turned 40, and become engaged. That’s a lot in five years. No wonder I feel a bit jaded. If I do take any more of these photos I’m definitely not going to be able to wear that skirt again. It’s getting kind of tight.

(Many thanks to photographers, Tulip, The Silver Fox, and Kebabette)

One comment Add yours
  1. Thank you for sharing, Moata. I live in Dunedin. But I do love Christchurch and have written a children’s book which once I have completed the illustrations will hopefully get it published. It is about the quakes and Christchurch, and will I hope (and dream) help to heal those children’s hearts that have been hurt by the quake.

    I really feel for your pain and loss. And hope one day you feel better. One day at a time.

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