The Princess Bride hostess with the mostest

I recently turned forty and by way of celebration I threw a Princess Bride screening party for my friends and family.
This endeavour was not without its dramas and disappointments (some of which I shared on Blog Idle) with not one but TWO venues falling through in the lead up to the event, the second of which was only a week beforehand. Humiliations galore, I tell you.

Anyway, one of the things I found myself really getting into was coming up with themed food ideas. Like this awesome castle cake I got from Kidds Bakery (which I’m pretty sure they only ever make for kids’ parties, but why should the youngsters get all the blue food colouring?). Boy did we have fun storming that castle.

My tongue was blue for two days afterwards but it was totes worth it
My tongue was blue for two days afterwards but it was totes worth it

So when my Cate at Cake Oven said she wanted me to write something about matching food to a movie or TV show I knew exactly what would work. You can find my Ultimate Princess Bride Movie Snack Guide here.

Need something similar written? Hire me!


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