Yet again I pretended to know more about a topic than I do and got to mix it with the nerds on another panel-quiz-podcast sesh of the Nerd Degree. Full disclosure – I may have bribed my way onto the show with the promise of cookies.
Yes, actual cookies. See?
Star Wars @nerddegree is haaaapening. #cometothedarksudewehavecookies
— Moata Tamaira (@MoataTamaira) December 7, 2016
— Moata Tamaira (@MoataTamaira) December 7, 2016
This time I answered approximately 3 questions correctly because Ben Allan knows everything about Star Wars to an excruciatingly obsessive level. Truly, it’s a thing to behold. Just listen to him in that quotes round.
I also sat next to Ben during a midnight screening of Rogue One which went something like:
Me: Hmm, that seems vaguely familiar…
Ben: *mentally recalls the model number/full name/birthday of a tertiary Star Wars character/robot/vehicle while making happy fanboy noises*
Me: Yep. Guess it is familiar.
So give the episode a listen. I am especially proud of my limerick about Jabba the Hutt because it managed to combine my two passions of Star Wars AND smashing the patriarchy. Word.
Also available on iTunes.