I’ve recently had a birthday, and of course there’s the tinsel-splosion that is Christmas so when I saw a Make Your Own Banner set on a design blog I was keen as. Maybe a bit of festive gold signage for the living room wall?
But I’m just not the sort of person you can give a customisable wall banner set up to without things getting a bit irreverent. So inspired by new Labour leader Andrew Little’s on point remonstration of our PM in parliament recently, my first banner effort was decidedly unfestive.
From there I moved onto a general declaration of amazement at the weird and unbelieveable in life which I believe can be summed up thusly.
But I did eventually get around to using my new toy for Christmassy purposes. There’s your standard “Merry Christmas” (yours might not be a Dalek-friendly home – do as your conscience or design aesthetic dictates, I guess)…
And then there’s giving your Christmas lunch guests permission to go all out and EAT ALL THE THINGS!
What can’t these things be used for?
I was delighted to find that the set includes punctuation (hooray for apostrophes!) and unusual characters like those you’d expect to find in European languages – like “ç” and “æ” and vowels with umlauts.
If you want your own they’re available in a small range of colours at Love From Friday*.
*FYI I’m not being paid to promote these but several people asked where I got mine from so, ya know, I’m being informational.